Sunday, August 14, 2011

Week 1: Going Strong

Current Weight: 286.5 pounds
Weight Lost: 7.5 pounds

It has definitely been an interesting week! At times, I've been hungry - at other times, I have been so full that I couldn't eat another bite.

I realize that a majority of the weight I've lost this week is water weight. The glycogen stored in your body is surrounded with water, so as it is used up for energy during the fasting period, your body gets rid of the excess water.  This same phenomenon is responsible for the major weight loss experienced during the first two weeks of the low-carb diet.

Looking forward to the coming week of the Fast 5 Diet!

Friday, August 12, 2011

Holy Crap - I'm Full!

Today I experienced something that I have never experienced before... let me explain.

I started by breaking my fast with with a peach from the local farmer market. It tasted like the best peach I have ever had in my life - 19 hours of fasting makes the first few bites taste amazing. After that I started cooking the ingredients for stuffed baked potatoes: hamburger, onion, mushrooms, and garlic.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Day Five: Still Losing Weight

Current Weight: 290.5 pounds
Weight Lost: 3.5 pounds

While I started the Fast-5 Diet on the weekend, I definitely see the benefits of the diet during the work week:
  • I no longer have to buy food for lunch
  • No packing for lunch in the morning
  • I do not get hungry before lunch anymore
  • It is much easier to resist workplace donuts and snacks
  • I can work right through lunch
  • Higher energy level after lunch, no food hibernation needed
The weekends are a little more difficult simply because I have to find other things to occupy my time rather than eating. I guess I never realized how many times I would eat during the weekend simply because I was bored... now I find distractions (weeding the garden, playing ball with Bentley, etc).

On Saturday, after one week of being on the Fast-5 Diet, I will start reporting my weekly status rather than daily status.

Fast-5 Diet eBook PDF Download

I was finally able to locate a copy of the Fast-5 Diet ebook pdf online, and you can download it below:

Fast-5 Diet eBook PDF

Monday, August 8, 2011

Day Three: No more hunger!

Current Weight: 293 pounds
Weight Lost: 1 pound

I got up for work today and weighed myself, still the same weight as yesterday. The big difference today: no hunger! I did not feel hungry or woozy all day at work, and ate without stuffing myself at dinner. I think that means that my body has switched over to burning fat/ketones... we'll see how I feel tomorrow.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Day Two: Lost Weight!

Current Weight: 293 pounds
Weight Lost: 1 pound

After my huge steak dinner last night, I am still down 1 pound! Now I know you are not supposed to weigh yourself every day due to normal fluctuations, but hey, if it the scale says I am down, I'll take it.

As a side note, I was able to find a free PDF version of the Fast-5 Diet book - download it now!

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Day One on the Fast-5 Diet

Current Weight: 294 pounds
Weight Lost: 0 pounds

Welcome to day one of the diet! I had a large dinner last night consisting of tacos with guacamole chased down with three Bud Light Limes - fantastic. To finish it off, a piece of strawberry pie. Needless to say, I went to bed uncomfortably full... which is probably why I got back up and watched Robert DeNiro in Casino until 3am.

Friday, August 5, 2011

What? The Fast-5 Diet? What is that?

I am an internet traveler in every sense of the word. Today, I started out reading an article on Google News about whether or not antioxidants are actually beneficial (Why doctors don't like to talk about antioxidants) and ended up at Wikipedia reading about the benefits of caloric reduction and intermittent fasting. It was there that a found a link to a diet that I have never heard of: the Fast-5 Diet.

The idea is simple: pick any 5-hour window during the day and eat only during that window. No eating for the remaining 19 hours of the day. The theory is equally as simple: your body will not work to spend stored energy (fat) as long as it is still getting food from digestion. The 19 hour period gives your body time to start using up those stored resources, of which I have plenty.